♪ I'll make you banana pancakes...♪

♪ ... Pretend like it's the weekend now. And we could pretend it all the time... ♪ But who says we have to pretend? It IS the weekend AND we get banana pancakes. What's better than that? Well, actually they were raw banana crepes, but that's even better! It's all the yumminess and nutrients and none of the sugar/carb-induced post-eating coma. The recipe? 3 large ripe bananas + 2 tbsp of ground flax + the juice of one lemon, mixed and spread over dehydrator sheets and left to dehydrate overnight. They made for a glorious weekend breakfast. Of course, what's a crepe without the toppings? They included peanut butter, cacao nibs, fig jam, chia seed, berries, melted dark chocolate, and a chestnut spread. Breakfast of weekend champions for sure! And as if you're weekend couldn't get any better, please check out Ayla's awesome CSN giveaway ! She's celebrating the 100th post of her blog, High on Healthy .