Can I really chase the turkey?

Like most raw foodists, I've grown a little wary of family get-togethers because of my diet. They have ranged from going perfectly fine (I love you mom!), to the offensive (the French genes in my family just don't understand anything but their own superior culinary ways and feel very threatened by the very notion of anything outside of the norm), to the plain confused ("so why exactly do you put yourself through this?"). My first raw Thanksgiving is most likely to be of little exception.
Thankfully, with a really big family, Thanksgiving dinners bring together anywhere between 15 to 30 people, and the number of vegetarians/vegans/dabblers has always been a small but steady constant. I know for a fact that there will be an abundance of salads and fruits for me to eat, and I'll also be bringing a raw vegan chocolate pecan pie. Apparently, Tofurky will even be making an appearance at this year's Thanksgiving (something I used to love, but now probably won't register as food for it's very processed appearance)… it still makes me really happy for the vegans though!
Generally though, I've been extremely fortunate to have an extremely open-minded and multi-cultural family so adding another strange dish or two to our Thanksgiving meal, whether it's Chinese food, or a vegan, vegetarian, and now raw dish, has never been perceived as being a big deal. That's what I'm giving thanks to this week!

But, my biggest fear for tomorrow? My first 10k run, my local YMCA's Annual Turkey Chase. My dad has been running it for as long as I can remember (he's one of those crazy hardcore joggers, who even ran it last year only 3 months after heart bypass surgery… yep, he's a champion!), but this will be my first time. I've done the Y's little 2 miles run/walk/jog a couple times, but I'm in the big leagues now.

The definite bonus is that I get to run it with my dad and that makes me all warm and fuzzy inside… One the things I already love most about summer is being able to our morning 2k swim in France. This time though, I'm just really scared on how well I'll perform. I know it's for fun, but I have this "raw food makes you healthier than normal people" reputation to uphold so I don't want to faint or anything… Well, and I also have a big ego, I guess. I guess I'll have to focus on the experience of jogging with my dad, the accomplishment of finishing the race, that it's only about one hour or my long and healthy life, and that when I'm done my mom will reward me with a green smoothie from her brand new Vitamix (my mom is a closet crunchie I tell you!). That should keep me going!

Wish me luck and Happy Thanksgiving no matter what your lifestyle/diet choice is! Feast away!


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