Raw Chocolate Hazelnut Spread aka. Homemade "Rawtella"

Sprouted kamut bread from our favourite bakery? Check.
Bread knife and cutting board ready to go? Check.
So, what's missing? Why a spread of course.

I've always wondered about the hype there is around Rawtella. I mean, if it's anything like Nutella, I can totally understand. Who hasn't dreamt of taking a swim in a big pool of chocolate hazelnutty goodness... okay, or a least just wanted to eat a jarful, whatever.

Being the person I am though, I've always figured I could probably just try to make some myself. However, it just never happened, because at the end of the day, I don't actually eat that many "treats" unless they serve some higher nutritional purpose. Tonight, after Andrew bought a yummy loaf of his favourite spelt bread, I decided he needed something to put on it, so the time had come. I've seen a lot of homemade rawtella recipes floating around the web, so I combined a bunch and tried my own. So far, it's still spreadable and hasn't solidified yet (which I know is a problem with most sweet raw spreads) and it's yummy so I'd call it a successful!

Homemade Rawtella
1 C ground hazelnuts
4 tablespoons of raw cacao powder
1/2 vanilla bean
1/2 C liquid sweetener (maple syrup or raw agave)
1 tablespoon of coconut oil + 1 tablespoon of cacao butter
(or just use two tablespoon of coconut oil)

Blend, blend, blend away til smooth and creamy!

Also, for those interested in all things gardening-related, check out my new Garden 2011 page in my tab section, on which I'll be journaling our first real garden adventures from the earliest planning stages to our first bountiful (fingers crossed!) harvest and beyond. If you are a pro-gardener by any chance or you just generally feel like you have a green thumb, please feel free to offer us any advice you can think of! I'm sure we can use all the expertise we can get!


  1. this looks really delicious. i need to get those ingredients asap!

  2. I've never heard of rawtella but when I was eating all kinds of crap, I occasionally had Nutella. I liked it but my mom would never buy it for me. Now that I'm a lot smarter and way more health conscious, I don't eat it or want it.. okay, maybe I kind of want it but only because I like the idea of it. This though? Amazing! I will definitely be making this in the future. :)

  3. I just made it and it is delicious! I used half the amunt if cacao powder since I dont like it to have a strong cacao taste

  4. Question about the hazelnuts...Are they raw? Toasted? Skins still on?
    PLEASE advise..thanks a bunch!

  5. Originally I used raw hazelnuts, with the skins on (though that makes it less smooth). If you're not really focused on the raw, toasted hazelnuts have a deliciously rich taste too.

  6. way too much coconut flavor in my opinion....

    1. Thanks for the feedback! For those of you who aren't as much into the coconut-y flavour, definitely feel free to replace it with an equivalent amount of some emollient ingredient!

  7. Thanks for the feedback! For those who aren't as much into the coconut-y taste, definitely feel free to supplement with an equivalent emollient ingredients :)


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