Eat: Best Meal Ever, Kelp Noodle Bowl

As Fall comes along and the weather gets colder, I tend to follow the "raw until dinner" rule pretty often. When I go for that option, the day is made up of fruit, green smoothies, and a few dehydrated goodies, and dinners tend to be any kind simple cooked veggies with the occasional tempeh.

I've mentioned before that I tend to get a little bit obsessed with certain foods and eat them every day for a month until I move on to something new. This month, I figured why limit myself? So I took all of my favourite meals from over the past few months and put them into one. The result was this amazing kelp noodle bowl that I created a couple days ago. It pieces together all my favourite cooked and raw foods all into one giant bowl of yummy.

On top of a flavour and texture extravaganza, it's nutrition-packed, warming, and can be made in under 20 minutes. Pure deliciousness. Given its components, I'm also sure it contains all the minerals, vitamins, healthy fats, proteins, and anything else you might ever possibly need.

Healthy Kelp Noodle Bowl
(this picture represents this messy pile of deliciousness perfectly)

The bowl layers are as following:

1. Kelp noodles, rinsed quickly in hot water and mixed 
with a splash of Bragg's (or tamari) and apple cider vinegar.
2. Steamed Broccoli and Stir Fried Chinese Eggplant, stir fried in olive oil, Bragg's, 
and organic ketchup (yes, ketchup! It gives it a really delicious sweet and sour-y flavour).
3. Sea Sprinkles (aka. my mermaid food!), the most delicious way to eat seaweed!
4. Other Toppings, like chopped raw almonds, sesame seeds, sauerkraut, etc.


  1. This looks delicious.   It's been a while since I've had kelp noodles.  Love the idea of adding ketchup to the stir fried veggies.  Will have to try that.  And I would definitely put avo and sauerkraut on mine.  Yum :)

  2. The sea sprinkles sound delicious Miss Mermaid. Where do you buy them?

  3. They are!!! I bought these when I went to see my family in the States, but they have something very similar at the Herb and Spice on Bank Street (it's the same brand of seaweed, but it just comes in sheets of seaweed instead of sprinkles!) :)

  4. Just discovered your blog after looking for Rawtella, I'm new to it all and I think you might be able to help me along :-) (Seriously wanna try kelp noodles, too!)

  5. Thanks for the message :) And Rawtella is definitely a good way to get your started, hehe! I haven't posted in a while but the new year has re-enlivened me to be back up and running!


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