Link Love: The Savoury

It's time for some more vegan recipe link love! I couldn't quite pick a theme for this week's recipes, except for the fact that they are generally of the savoury category. I know most people don't get as excited about main courses as they do about desserts, but actually, I do. These have mostly been the best recipes I discovered as I developed my vegan culinary skills. Every single one is amazing in its own right, so whatever your tastebuds are into, I suggest you try one! I realize that given my current lifestyle, only one of these is raw, but that's mostly because I tend to be more experimental with raw food than I was with vegan food, so I've got a lot more vegan savoury links to share than I do raw ones! (once again, for anyone cited, I've directly linked them to your sites but please let me know if you don't want me using your photos!) The Wannabe Chef's Dessert Hummus Dessert Hummus. Seriously. What...