Link Love: The Savoury

It's time for some more vegan recipe link love! I couldn't quite pick a theme for this week's recipes, except for the fact that they are generally of the savoury category. I know most people don't get as excited about main courses as they do about desserts, but actually, I do. These have mostly been the best recipes I discovered as I developed my vegan culinary skills. Every single one is amazing in its own right, so whatever your tastebuds are into, I suggest you try one!

I realize that given my current lifestyle, only one of these is raw, but that's mostly because I tend to be more experimental with raw food than I was with vegan food, so I've got a lot more vegan savoury links to share than I do raw ones!

(once again, for anyone cited, I've directly linked them to your sites but please let me know if you don't want me using your photos!)

The Wannabe Chef's Dessert Hummus

Dessert Hummus. Seriously. What more needs to be said? Sounds perfect to me! Now you can get your protein and get something sweet out of it!

The Fruit Pursuit's Apple Beet Tempeh Carpaccio

I love beets. I love tempeh. I love apples and beets together. Again, what else do you need? Tempeh steaks are amazing, and these foods all combine amazingly together.

101 Cookbooks' Orange Pan-Glazed Tempeh

So back in the day, my guilty pleasure when it came to Chinese American take-out was Orange Chicken. Then I started reading 101 Cookbook, and fell in love with this recipe, because it tasted just like orange chicken, minus the evil.

Vegan Dad's "Chicken" Pot Pie

I only ever made this once because soon after I went raw and cut out things like seitan, and man do I wish I'd discovered this one earlier. I never "got" the whole chicken pot pie thing, my few experiences with them were those frozen kinds you bought at the Costco. I didn't get it until I had this (ironic, isn't it, that a vegan would allow me to love pot pies?). One word: Amazing.

The Raw Seed's Chick-Un Nuggets

I posted about these once before, but I'll do it again because they're that good. No chickens were involved in the making of these nuggets, just pure raw deliciousness.

Another pre-vegan favourite of mine was spaghetti carbonara. I think that those were the only times I actually enjoyed having creamy pasta sauces... until this recipe. Its rich non-dairy creaminess reminded me so much of authentic carbonara and all those childhood trips to Italy, that I fell in love with creamy pasta all over again.

Enjoy the end of your weekend!


  1. Duuuuude... have you seen the snickerdoodle hummus??? google it. it's awesome. AAAAAAND thank you for reminding me of it. Totally forgot. Totally wanna eat it. Right now! :-)


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