If the chicken lives, I'm happy...

Ever since I saw a picture of raw 'chicken nuggets' on the Raw Seed aeons ago, I knew I had to have the secret to that recipe. I was thrilled to see they made it into Meredith's ebook! Thus, today's recipe was her chik-un nuggets and bbq dipping sauce. Now I've got to admit I used to have an obsession thing in my early teen years for chicken nuggets. Not the healthiest choice I know, but unhealthy foods tend to be addictive, and, unfortunately, when I was growing up, I had one particularly unskilled baby-sitter who pretty much knew how to make little else but chicken nuggets and white rice... thus, the beginning of my love affair with chicken nuggets.

This recipe brought back all the best parts of why I loved chicken nuggets minus all the not so great things about them. They actually tasted battered and fried, had the same texture and saltiness... They were awesome!!! Don't they look authentic??

When I serve food, I also like to do it well. If I'm going to serve a raw burger, it has to have a raw version of fries and all the fixings. Same deal with these chik-un nuggets. I served them up with the dipping sauce and a very fast-food style salad, aka. romaine lettuce with a few shred of carrots, and some sliced cucumbers. Of course, all of our veggies were thriving and organic as opposed to the industrial/hydroponic versions you get at SAD restaurants, but the visual was still great :) I had to resist not sitting down and eating the entire batch of nuggets though... also, I wanted to leave room for another slice of yesterday's chocolate mousse cake. Raw food is the best dietary choice EVER!


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