Magically Mysteriously Mouth-Watering

I just received my copy of Meredith Frantz's awesome new e-uncookbook the "Magically Mysterious Raw Recipe Book", have you?
If you don't have one, I definitely suggest you get a copy! Featuring 27 of Meredith's yummiest recipes for the affordable price of $13.99, the book is beautifully put together with colorful and mouth-watering photos on every page (and a printer friendly version attached too for your convenience). It also includes tips and tricks to help you along the raw food diet.
Meredith has been an incredible inspiration to me on my raw food journey. I randomly found her blog, the Raw Seed, almost a year ago now, when she was coaching Rebecca Troutman through her own transition to the raw food lifestyle (her story can be found at Project Raw). Seeing how much Meredith just seemed to glow with happiness and energy from her choices, I knew she was someone I had to talk to to figure out my own 'whys and hows' of why I too should change my life to raw foods. I gotta say, she was one of my main motivators in convincing me to just go for it. Don't know if I would have made the leap without her as brief as our emails to each other were! (Without her, we also would not have found all those great raw hideouts in PA last week).
Why by this book? Because the recipes look amazing, and your tummy will be happier for it.
Other reasons? Meredith and her hubby, Dustin, just bought a 44 passenger school bus they are looking to convert into a green mobile home. Their plan is to install wind power, solar power, and a veggie-fueled engine on this magical bus which they will then use to spread their raw-food, creative, holistic wellness awesomess all across the country. Obviously, this costs money, don't you want to help them out?
Need more convincing? I'll be working my way through these recipes over the next couple weeks so if you're holding out for any reason, stay tuned to my pics and reviews!
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