Always plan for 'contingencies'...

So I had one of those 'plan for contingencies' weekends except I didn't which means I was kept away from life, this blog, sanity, and above all lots of school work... All is well now, but given that it's 1:30am and my beddy is calling my name, here is just a picture of Alissa Cohen's Wheat Berry Salad which I mentioned in my last post. I don't know what it is about the mix of flavors, but this simple recipe is actually out of this world. Some mix of the flavors in this recipe (I think it might be the taste of olive oil, raw honey, and salt over wheat berries) actually reminds me exactly of when my first babysitter used to sneak butter into my rice as a 'special treat' when I was little (she was from Haiti and that's something you do there, unlike the blasphemy it probably is to all my Chinese ancestors). I used to think it was pretty tasty, and now a cucumber wheat berry salad reminds me of my childhood! Everyone wins!

Workout of the Day
1.5 Hours of Bikram
100 crunches


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