Sunday Workout Recap

This was a pretty cardio heavy week, I don't know if it's because the sun is shining and spring is here but I definitely wanted to be sweating it out a lot more than I do during the winter months :) I think this might be a growing trend as it gets even nicer out. You'll also see that I've gone back to my preferences for short but more intense cardio than the drawn out endurance kind!

22 minutes of HIIT on treadmill
40 crunches (2x20 of 2 different target areas)
5 minute stretch

Ab circuit with stability ball (3x15 of 3 different exercises)
3x12 lying side leg raises (for abductors)
3x12 lying side leg raises (for adductors)
1 minute plank
20 minutes of cardio on elliptical
5 minute stretch

Wednesday (short on time)
10 minutes of cardio on treadmill
Floor ab circuit (3x12 of 3 different exercises)
3x12 low row
3x12 bicep curls
5 minute stretch

20 minutes of HIIT cardio on stairclimber
10 minute stretch

10 minutes of hills cardio on elliptical
Ab circuit on stability ball (3x15 of 3 different exercises)
3x12 lying side leg raises
3x12 squats with barbell
3x12 calf extension machine
3x12 torso rotation machine
3x12 chest press with barbell
3x12 shoulder shrugs
5 minute stretch


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