High Raw Oatmeal Cookies #2
So a little while ago I promised two cookie recipes, and realized I actually only posted one... heh. My bad. I have to admit, I'm not as satisfied with this one as the other one, but it's still pretty tasty and is still a reliable high raw cookie recipe. My intention was to do something snazzy with black pepper and chocolate and pecan, but it wasn't nearly as cool as I thought. I'll probably be tweaking it and posting something niftier when I figure it out.
Peppered Chocolate Pecan Cookies
Makes about 12-14 cookies

3 C rolled oats, ground into flour
1 vanilla bean, ground (or 1 tsp vanilla extract)
1/4 C raw almond butter (I made my own)
1/4-1/3 C maple syrup/raw agave/raw honey
1 tsp peanut butter (or your favourite raw nut butter)
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 C filtered water
1/2 C "candied" pecans*
1/4 C chocolate chips
black pepper, for topping or mixing in
*my usual mix of nuts, maple syrup (or agave), cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, allspice, and salt, dehydrate at 115 til crunchy (a couple hours)
1. Grind oats flakes into flour (with the vanilla bean pod if you're using that option) and place in a bowl and stir in the salt.
2. Stir in almond butter, second nut butter (I used PB), liquid sweetener (adjust the amounts to your taste, water, candied pecans, and chocolate chips.
3. Mix dough well, either with a fork or your lovely hands. At this point, you can either choose to add the black pepper by stirring it into the mix (as much as your heart desires if you're into pepper like me) or you can sprinkle it on top after forming the cookies.
3. With clean hands, form and flatten into cookies and place on dehydrator sheet for no more than 2 hours at 105. (I found this mix is a little drier than my usual ones so it needs less dehydrating time). Again, if you'd like, grind some black pepper on top of each cookie before sticking them in the dehydrator.
I'll also leave you with some random personal information inspired by Nancy's Bootylicious Tag, because why not!
1) my big kitty (not really a thing I guess, but how can things "sit" next to you?)
2) my vegan sunscreen
Name 2 foods you can't live without
1) bananas
2) spirulina
Name 2 things you can't live without
(did that ever seem like product placement or what...)
(My sister and I used to take pictures of our feet together whenever we'd travel to somewhere new. Now that we both have a +1, we're strange enough to have held on to that tradition. That was from our pumpkin picking expedition last year.)
1) Andrew
2) my sister
Name 1 thing you did today

Name 2 things you've learned from the healthy living community

2) Green smoothies will change your life
Feel free to fill this out on your blog and let me know if you have! Have a great day!
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