All grown up!

So my little blog has finally grown up. It's three years old and I finally decided to finally let it get its own URL. I'm still trying to figure out the transition, and if there's even anything to do at all... I'm already totally confused (either that, or it's so simple, I'm not even seeing it). 

It'll be super easy, just come over and join me at and all the goodness will continue from there! For all those of you who already have my blog in any kind of list or bookmark bar or favourites section on your blogs, your feed will only update if you switch over to my new address, so I'd love you if you made the switch too! 

And just to keep you interested, I feel a blogoversary giveaway coming on so stay tuned! Thanks for all your support :)


  1. Good move on getting the blog its own url!  Three years - inspiring.  I can only imagine what my blog will look like three years from now!

    New to the blog, will be looking around more now :)


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