Sun Food for the Summer Solstice

Happy Summer Solstice!

Yes, we are indeed at the height of summer! Today is the longest day of the year, and it has many names Midsummer, Summer Solstice, Litha, to name a few. From now on, we enter into the waning of the year, when the days will grow shorter and shorter so get out there and bask in the sun while you can!

In Pagan lore, the Holly King, who represents the waxing year, triumphs over the Oak King, who represents the waning year. For all those of you who have read  A Midsummer Night's Dream, it's a time when elves, sprites, and fairies are out in great numbers, so magic is bound to happen tonight! Being the day when the light is strongest, Midsummer symbols are yellows and gold, fire, the sun, oak trees, fruits and sunflowers. We unfortunately never got to planting our sunflowers this year, but if you have some around, make a bouquet and celebrate!

I met up with Andrew for lunch today for a high noon Solstice meal. I tried to aim to make everything with yellow or lemony foods. I made a tea of lemon balm, mint, and stevia (with raw honey for him) to drink. His meal was falafel (they are balls so sun shaped I figured...), pineapple, carrot, and tomato lettuce warps and sun drop cookies (lemon, cashews, one banana, and honey). I celebrated with this yellow beauty that I know will feed me time and time again over the next few summer weaks:

Pineapple Soft Serve
1 ripe banana
1 1/2- 2 C frozen pineapple
Instructions: Blend 'til smooth and soft serve-y!

It's so simple but the whole concept of freezing the pineapple instead of the banana has rocked my world. Some people get pretty serious bloating from frozen bananas (I can) and this totally got rid of that issue! Deeelicious.

There's something about summer that just really psyches me to be 811. It's been 3 days straight and I feel like fantastic. When it's this hot, I want to stuff my face with fruit, and I can! Just to give you an idea, I started my day with 1/4 of a watermelon. Lunch was 3 bananas, blueberries, and spinach, followed by that lovely pineapple soft serve, and who knows what dinner may hold... I love when eating is really fun. Yay, fruit! Yay, summer!

Have a bright and sunny day!


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