My 10 ways to make September stellar

I was recently inspired by Gina's How to Make September Stellar post and decided to go along with it in my own way. Her list was awesome because a) I was going to do most of the things listed anyway b) I LOVE making and sticking to lists... It's my inner A-type personality coming out I tell you. c) It clearly lines up a whole lot of awesome to look forward to the month ahead!

Once again blogging from an iPhone, I apologize for poor photo quality. So here's Gina's stellar September worked into my life:

1) Exercise your brain: So everyone knows that sudokus and crosswords help your brain stay young and active. Conveniently, Andrew and I already like to channel our inner grannies and we generally do a crossword every day. It's kind of our thing. We're cool like that!

2) Pick some seasonal fruit: I've totally got this one covered as I've been planning an apple picking party with friends at an organic farm near my birthday at the end month! I've been excited about this since about July I think... Can't wait!!!!

3) Fashion: Gina suggested a pair of leggings, but for me Fall is all about the jackets, which is why I just picked up this awesome little number at Smart Set to add to my jacket hoarding collection:
I've always wanted my own bomber jacket.

4) Host a Girls' Night: I've got a couple options on this one. I'll either be going to a lovely women's new moon ceremony this month with some girlfriends (went to one way back in January and regretted not making it more of a monthly thing) and/or my sister is visiting at the end of the month for some serious sibling shenanigans!

5) Sport some metallic nail polish: Sounds fun, but while I'm still in the market for some more eco- and body-friendly nail polish, I'll take this one as being more about pampering myself. This has long been in the works since I have a Groupon for an organic facial to use up ASAP! (it was originally suppose to be my present to me for passing my comps exams... which I did! So there!)

6) Get some regular outdoor exercise: Simple! I'm committing to only bike to school and not be lazy enough to just use my bus pass. Besides, it's a gorgeous ride to campus!

7) Make pizza from scratch: I loved seeing on the list only because that's exactly what was on the menu tonight:
Raw pizza that is! Sprouted buckwheat and flax crust, homemade nut cheese and tomato sauce with the produce from our very own garden, broccoli, red pepper and mushrooms on top. Oh yeah!
And yes, even raw has my man maintained his pizza vacuuming skills!

8) Volunteer 1 day at a place of your choice: Obviously an awesome thing to do though I haven't yet figured out what that might be... I have some ideas but nothing concrete just yet.

9) Master a yoga pose: Also super convenient seeing as how I have yet another Groupon to use up! This one is for one month of unlimited Bikram. I miss it so much from the days it was a regular practice of mine. I can't freakin' wait for this one to start in a week!

10) Download a power playlist: Yeah... That's kind of one of my to-dos given the whole stolen computer thing. I'd really love to make any playlist at this point really!

Hope you have a plan to rock this September too!

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


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