5 New Flexibility Goals

For a change, I'll allow myself to boast and say (perhaps again) that I've always been fairly flexible. It might have been the years of dance or perhaps my obsessive childhood perseverance of trying to remember to stretch during commercials... whatever it is, something paid off. 

I mentioned a while back that, for almost a year now, I've achieved my lifelong goal of easily being able to go into the splits. I also posted the basic stretching routine, which I do after every workout, that I think really contributed to where I am now.

After reaching my splits goal and all sorts of other crazy stuff, I've decided to up the ante. As of today, here are some of my goals for the year ahead. Good thing I've started dancing a couple times a week again... Hopefully, that will both help and motivate me to get there.

1) The Standing Splits
(not necessarily on pointe, but hey, why not dream big)

2) Laybacks like I used to be able to do...
a la Rachel Brice...
or in a crazy "I have no spine" way...

3) Controlled Forearm/Headstands
kinda like that, so I can one day move it slowly into...

4) ... this Crazy Chinese Acrobat-Looking Pose
Though this definitely requires strength, I find is so absolutely beautiful...

5) Partnered Goal

Andrew's new goal is also to be able to do this... Essentially, to use me as his human kettle bell, which I have no problem with! It will require more lightness and body control on my part, and some more crazy man muscles from him... Yay, we all win!
Here's to continuous new crazy shoot-for-the-moon goals!


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