110th time's the charm...

First off, thanks for all the comments on yesterday's post about my trip to the freak zoo. I really appreciate hearing that I'm not all alone in thinking the way I do about the current state of our food and ag system!

But on to today... What does a food blogger write about when she realizes only after 3/4 of her day is done that all the meal pictures she took today were shot without a memory stick in her camera? Grrr. I think I've done this about 109 times now. You'd think I might have learned to check!

I was really excited about my breakie this morning because it was the first meal for a new era. I was super psyched because today was the first day of my new three month fitness program designed by the awesome Laury Raiken of the Fitness Dish. After asking me about my goals, current lifestyle, and more, she's designed a program directly suited to meet my needs. I have total the confidence that this is going to rock my world. Not to give too much away, I'll be doing strength training 3 days a week, and core + cardio/yoga three days a week. It's similar to my previous workouts, but with fresh new moves and my belief in its success!

To prepare for my first AM strength workout, I started our day with the infamous vegan overnight oats I've been hearing so much about thanks to the blog world. Mine were made up of overnighted oat groats, a Vitamixed-banana, mesquite and maca powder, cinnamon, a dash of salt, a teaspoon of pea protein, and a hint matcha green tea for an anti-oxidant boost. It was awesome, and I KNOW it fueled my workout like nothing else (imagine a pretty picture of it next to this paragraph)! My muscles were wonderfully exhausted afterwards, but I stayed incredibly alert and energized for the rest of the day. Thank you, Laury!

Post-recovery snack was 1/2 a grapefruit, and lunch followed about 30 minutes after that. It consisted in a salad beast with some of Meredith's Red Pepper Flax Crackers. It too was very yummy and should have been immortalized in photo.

Dinner was my kitchen experimentation of the day. I've seen so many raves about Matt Amsden's Rawvolution Onion Bread that I had to turned it into the crust for mushroom spinach tartlets. While his book has a recipe for mushroom-spinach quiche, I made up the filling as I was going along. I thought the result was awesome, but I can definitely see how it would come off too strong for some (aka. Andrew, whose nemeses are onions and mushrooms. This recipe? Not a winner for his palate). I had one for dinner, followed by a dessert of blueberry strawberry mush.

To make up for the quiche, I made Andrew his own yummy dessert: chocolate chipotle mousse topped with peaches. It was the usual avocado, agave, cacao powder, vanilla, and dash of salt recipe, but I added a chipotle pepper in adobo to the mix. What I tasted of it was really really good, but maybe that's because I haven't had chocolate in about a week!


  1. Awww..you ar SOOOOO welcome!!!!! Thanks so much for the shout out...I am super psyched you love the workout!!! Working on phase 2...wanted to see how you liked the 1st leg of it before I continued, now that I know it "rocked your world" I can take you to the next step, when you're ready :-)

    Sorr about the memory stick, that truly sucks :( All the food looks awesome....talk to yah soon!


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