Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to you and yours! I hope your 2011 is filled with health, love, and happiness! I've gotta say, I've never been so uncertain about what an upcoming year will hold. 2010 has been exciting and crazy in so many ways, most of them pretty unexpected. Who knows what 2011 has in store for me?
To recap 2010, perhaps I should have read predictions earlier this year using the Chinese Lunar Calendar because 2010 was "my" year... I'm born in the Year of the Tiger and 2010 was also a Tiger Year (specifically a Metal Tiger year). It's been a wild ride. Given the nature of Tigers, I assumed maybe just having a Tiger live through a Tiger year was just a little too much heat, but here's what I just read about the 2010 Year of the Tiger (which ends this February 2011): "This year is one of much activity, drama, change, crisis, and unpredictability. Tiger years are associated with instability and upheaval. Metal is particularly incompatible for Tigers, and thus 2010 is expected to be challenged and turbulent overall." It was also suggested that as independent and assertive sign, I should use caution, moderation, and flexibility this year, and I was all but stubborn. Hrm... wish I'd read that about 10 months ago. I definitely hope you have all had fantastic years, and I'm determined to partner up with 2011 and make it my friend! I'll keep you posted on our friendship!
Having said that, I've come up with 12 resolutions this year. While I set out to have one for each month, once I came up with them I realized that some would get accomplished while others would just have to be maintained:
Fitness/Health Goals
1. Run at least eight 10ks this year (I figured that's about 1 a month in the springs, summer and fall, and seems totally reasonable)
2. Fast on the 1st Sunday of every month (to give my digestive system a scheduled break)
3. Practice Yoga at least once a week (I've been on and off about this one for so long, I just want consistency)
4. (Personal)
5. (Personal)
Dance Goals
6. Learn at least one new hooping trick per month
7. Learn to do a complete front split
8. Learn to go a side split without using my hands (I'm aaaalmost there)
General Life Goals
9. Plan out and grow a more awesome and bountiful garden than we did last year
10. Travel to at least 8 other places (3 have to be out of country, and 5 have to be new)
11. Blog more regularly, but focus on quality rather than quantity
12. Keep growing emotionally and spiritually, as my cousin just told me "be vulnerable," always asks questions, be honest with yourself, and keep living and loving more and more!
What are you 2011 resolutions?
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