Winterize your Fruit Choices

Anyway, I know there is a thing about not eating fruits that are too sweet in cold climates because our bodies weren't meant to be processing them in the winter. The sweetness of summer fruits aren't meant to be digested in the cold winter, so they might sit in our stomachs a little longer than necessary, causing potential fermentation, which yeasts love to feed off of. Fruits that can be found in Northern climates during the snowy season, mostly berries or hardier apples, can still be assimilated by the body with little problem, but other ones should be eaten less liberally. Interestingly, I've found that I have no desire for the summer fruits of my region until the proper season comes around. So in the middle of a Canadian winter, I have no desire for strawberries, watermelons, canteloupes, etc. However, I always have a taste for tropical fruit. I'm wondering if this isn't just because my body knows where it is, so it knows what's in season and doesn't even perceive tropical fruit as being on the radar... strange.
Either way, when I'm offered a beautiful ripe pineapple, I have to eat it. I've recently been loosely following Dr. Alejandro Junger's Clean Program , which involves having two liquid meals (breakfast and dinner) and one solid meal (lunch) a day. While it's only been a couple days, I've been really enjoying the experience, and it's making me try a lot of new foods (which will most definitely be features soon!)
The first thing I had for a dinner a couple night ago, was this fantastic smoothie. To "winterize" it, I added kale for good measure, and it perfectly hit the spot:
Winterized Pineapple Smoothie
3/4 of a ripe pineapple (I was hungry...)
2 big leaves of kale
1 scoop of hemp protein
1/2 C water
(photo cropped from here)
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