Falafel Madness

The first night my parents came over to visit a few weeks ago, we had them over so I could make a raw feast for them. Given their taste for foods from all around the world, I knew I wanted to introduce them to their first 100% raw meal by doing something a little more exotic than just raw pasta or the like. After scouring my brain for my own recipes and a couple raw cookbooks, I settled on the following:
Marinated Peppers & Portobello Caps*
Soaked & Sprouted Quinoa with Saffron, Pepitas, Sundried Tomatoes, and Raisins
Matt Amsden's Falafel Balls served with Mango Chutney

*marinated in ACV, EVOO, Bragg's liquid aminos, maple syrup, and herbs 

I also served cucumber and tomato canapes with peppered raw cheese to start and a spring mix salad with walnuts, cranberries, tomatoes, and cukes served with a vinaigrette with the main meal. The result:

They loved it. In fact, they loved it so much they talked about it for the following three days. They raved about how good it made them feel (and enthusiastically agreed to eat vegan the entire time they were with us) and how it was enough food but never left them stuffed (except that night at Zen perhaps.) They were even full enough after the raw meal I made for them that I never got to bust out my raw desserts!

That was also my first time making those Rawvolution falafels and they were a definite hit. As a superb source of protein, I've made them for Andrew twice since then, usually in the form of awesome over-stuffed falafel wraps... a salad that fits into your hands, what more could you ask for? It also makes for great food to take a walk with, like ice cream cones, which is quintessential as summer begins. If you have Matt Amsden's book I highly suggest you check these out, especially with the chutney, the combination is fantastic.

Aaand, I just tried to cuddle with my cat and he accidentally headed butted me in the face causing a minor nose bleed. I guess I have to wrap it up (hehe) then. So, enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Happy Father's Day to all family men out there!


  1. baahaha "wrap it up" lol I died laihing. this looks great! I've ever tried Falafel before! I can' wait t try it :)

  2. hahaha "wrap it up" lol I died laughing. This looks great! I've never tried Falafel before! I can't wait to try it :)- Was what that comment was surposed to say my computer is being delayed and acting funny on me sorry for the errors :(

  3. Hehe, I try to be clever like that ;) You definitely should try them, raw or cooked, whatever, they're super yummy when they're made well! (otherwise they can just be kind of stale...)


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