Summer Coolers

Mid-week rant #1: To all those who post twitter feeds, facebook updates, etc. blaming/complaining to Mother Nature for the "weird weather" we've been getting over the past couple seasons, please stop. It's not her fault that we are thinning out the ozone, polluting, and causing her to go through an early menopause. Let's start taking a little bit of grown-up personal responsibility, 'mkay?

Actually, that's my only rant, but it's certainly been building up for some time... Like I mentioned last time, the weather hasn't been getting any cooler in these parts and my LFRV-ism (now called HCRV, for High Carb Raw Vegan, because apparently the movement is trying to reclaim the bad rep given to the "carb") has certainly been helping. Here are a few breakfast ideas when the weather gets hot and you just need to cool down that internal body temp. I promise it'll work really fast! (Cow cup is not required, but a definite bonus.)

Creamy Orange Juice
3-4 oranges, peeled
2-3 ice cubes
1/4-2/3 C cold water

This makes a super creamy smoothie/juice, especially the less water you use.
I think I've had this every morning for a couple weeks now and I love it.
It's super refreshing, and I seem to be going through an orange-flavoured thing right now.

Blended Melon
2 C melon
juice of 1/4 lemon
2-3 ice cubes
1/4-1/2 C water

Same deal: Blend! The less water, the more creamy.

Hmm, those pictures were strangely identical even though I took them on different days, and they aren't even the same thing... Oh well. Other than that, I'm sure my old Watermelon Sensation juice would also do the trick, though I've just been eating about 1/4 of watermelon for breakfeast instead... that or the orange juice, mmmm. Off to study! Enjoy the sun, even if it's just during your lunch break. Get in that Vitamin D while you can!


  1. I think people should be used to the weird weather by now, living in Canada and all ;) But I do admit I whine a bit about the cold weather because I just like warmer climates more. 
    Both of those drinks look so refreshing and perfect for hot days, especially like today! 

  2. The creamsicle sounds so good!Hmmm....I should try that one...

    Lovely blog! I wish I could dance...I have too left feet and am so self-conscious.

  3. Thank you :) And thanks for commenting, it always helps me learn about new blogs when people stop by!

    And I know it may sound cheesy, but we can all dance. I've definitely had to learn to get over the whole self-conscious thing (and still am). It's actually a very rewarding and confidence building process :) It's really about trusting yourself! I've actually found that when I trust myself less, I dance less, and when I love myself more, I dance more... it's kind of neat actually!

  4. hehe, I'm definitely learning that whining about the weather is also a big part of being Canadian! I guess I was referring more to the total lack of consciousness of why the weather is so out of whack than just griping about weather, the latter is totally normal!


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