Oh, stinky stinky deliciousness... A fruit so smelly it's banned from many airports and other forms of public transportations in Asia, and yet, there's lots of great reasons to eat durian: (sure it kind of looks like a liver... or half a brain... but it's delicious I promise!) it's rich in fiber, so helps with digestion and appetite. durian is rich in folate, so can help combat anemia, which women are particularly prone to have High in vitamin C, it promotes collagen production, so healthy skin, bones, tendons and ligaments (which is probably a really good idea for me right before I run my 1/2 marathon next week!!!) Rich in potassium, it's great for bone health too! With high levels of manganese, it also helps regulate blood sugar. For thyroid health, durian is a good source of copper, which plays a role in maintaining your metabolism. B6, one of the nutrients needed to produce seratonin, a mood enhancer, is quite high in durian... so eating durian mi...