Can't Get Enough: Toronto's Live Organic Food Bar

Time to pass through Toronto = Time to go eat at Live Organic Food Bar

We're in London (Ontario) this weekend to spend some quality time with my partner's fam. With a bus stopover in Toronto, we couldn't help ourselves but stop over at our favourite raw restaurant. Here were some of the eats:

1) The Raw Poutine: Andrew saw this on the menu and couldn't get over the fact that someone had actually made raw poutine. Despite my now six years of living in Canada, I've never actually had poutine (even when I wasn't vegan). I know that probably makes me a bad immigrant. Why would I pass up this Canadian culinary wonder you ask? There are three things my taste buds have never taken to: a) potatoes; b) gravy; c) greasy cheesy things... so why in God's name would I try a combination of them? I hear poutine is fantastic if that's your thing, and that's wonderful, but it's just not mine. However, this raw version, made with marinated jicama fries, a miso gravy, and a macadamia cheese, was fantastic.
2) Chickpea Fries: I've always wanted to try these! Ever since I heard that a lot of vegan restaurants serve chickpea fries, I've been wanting to find them like mad. I figured they would probably kind of taste like fry-shaped socca... they did, and they were deliciously amazing.
3)  Kale Caesar: This was my main meal (unfortunately, the hubby's raw tostadas were no photographed, but they were delicious. Their raw sour cream was just. like. sour cream.) Now that Live has nixed my favourite kelp noodle dish, I think I may have found a new favourite: kale, raw garlicky croutons, eggplant bacon, dulse, and so much other delicious it was delightful. And if those weren't all my favourite things in one plate, they added tempeh bacon too because they secretly love me.
I can't rave about this place enough. If you live in Ontario, go there! (Hey, we're from Ottawa and we've still made the time to go there three times already!)


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