How do you accumulate your bulk?

I just got an email from NutsOnline to fill out one of their customer surveys and that got me thinking about how much I love them. NutsOnline are a third generation family-run company that has quickly made its way into my little heart, and has become my favourite supplier of bulk organic and raw nuts, seeds, dried fruit, raw superfood powders, and everything I could dream of that may exist under the sun (I plan on ordering some organic matcha powder from them soon for more cookie/ice cream experimentation).
When on a raw diet, I highly recommend you to find some way of buying bulk. Everything I can't find at supermarkets or co-ops for decent prices (which is the better option since it limits the environmental footprint of shipping), I just head online; not only is it often a lot cheaper, it's also a heck of a lot more convenient.

I used to buy from Live Superfoods, but randomly fell upon the NutsOnline family and couldn't turn back. They just have a catchy way of making you stick with them. First off, I think their company taglines, promotions, and just general way of doing business is adorable (sometimes, I can be a sucker for good marketing, yes). It really makes my day to receive a 1lb. bag of cacao powder and a 1lb. bag of mulberries for example, and have my invoice say "1 yummy pound of cacao powder, and 1 yummy pound of mulberries". (Plus, their little peanut people are too cute...)
Secondly, they are extremely responsive to customer concerns. When I first ordered from them, I was really disappointed to find my box of bulk yummies filled with packing peanuts, so I emailed them about that because of the environmental concern. Within 24 hours they wrote back to me saying that they only use compostable/biodegradable packing peanuts! I was relieved, and loved them all the more for going that extra mile and writing back so quickly. On top of that, I later learned that they also use 100% post-consumer recycled cardboard boxes.
NutsOnline is not just for the avid organic raw foodie (though like I said, you can find almost anything you want raw, organic, and at the most competitive prices!), you can find granola, malt balls, and all sorts of other treats. I highly recommend you go to them, or find you own favourite raw food bulk supplier whether it's a buying co-op, an online store, or a natural health food store with lots of options. Either way, support small companies, shop online if you have to, and keep doing your healthy raw thing!
Also, to help you stay as healthy as possible, Chocolate-Covered Katie is currently having a Vitamix giveaway! I've just entered, but go check it out and enter too, they really are the best! If I win, I plan on sharing the Vitamix love with someone who needs one but wouldn't think they could afford it :)
Workout of the Day:
25 minutes of cardio (treadmill hills)
50 crunches
1 minute plank
10 minutes of stretching (my favourite part!)
Recipe of the Day:
As a side note and for simplicity's sake for all future recipes, when I'm mentioning the use of nuts, dried fruits, or grains in any of my recipes, assume that I mean soaked for the necessary time (or sprouted) and, in the case of nuts, dehydrated so they can be ground into flour (unless stated otherwise!)
Still currently in the dehydrator, but I'm attempting lemon cookies (and a few tartlet crusts off of the same recipe) made up of ground cashews, oats groats, vanilla extract, maple syrup (can be replaced by agave if you are hardcore raw), sea salt, lemon juice, and lemon zest.
From the same base batch (sans lemon juice and zest), I threw in some chopped chocolate to make chocolate chip cookies.
Also from the same base batch, I added a teaspoon of mesquite, hunza raisins, cinnamon and ground hemp seeds to make an oatmeal raisin type cookie.
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