Oh Spirooli, how I love thee

Yep, we received our brand new kitchen toy in the mail last night, and we tried it out and made a fabulous dinner! I'm heading off to bed now, and am leaving you only with this mouth-watering photo of what we ate. I love you Spirooli.

Workout of the Day:
1.5 hours ballet class
30 minutes belly dance practice
100 crunches

Recipe of the Day:
Spirooli Zucchini Pasta Goodness with Tomato Sauce (sundried tomatoes, dates, tomatoes, pepper, herbs, sea salt, olive oil) and veggies (grated beets, grated carrots, parsley, capers, broccoli, cauliflower, black olives) and nutritional yeast

I also tried an only slightly modified "Banana Ginger Pear Cereal" (from Brendan Brazier's "The Thrive Diet") w/ homemade raw hemp milk for breakfast. I was worried it would be too heavy for what I'm used to but it was divine!


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