Cookie Comfort

I love the world when there is just snow, when all is quiet, when the cars don't dare come out. That's been the state of DC since friday afternoon and it's been wonderful! When the quiet does break it's with the sounds of happiness. I wonder if people realize how much happier they are when the cars aren't running, how they actually talk to one another and share in the similar experiences. I've seen people on cross-country skies, sleds, and walking the happiest looking dogs!

I'm sending out a care package up to my cousin, who is up at Brown, and it's also high time I posted a new recipe. To deal with the snow and cold, I'm sending up some superfood mix (goji berries, turkish mulberries, cacao nibs), hemp-based lip balm, some of Amazing Grass's Green Super Food, and yummy baked vegan goods. I figured that one of the best things to do to cope with the cold winter days is nothing better than the epitome of comfort baking: oatmeal raisin cookies! The best thing is that I've used this recipe since I first found it's non-vegan version and adapted it through the different phases of my dietary life (even up to a raw version I make for us), so it's absolutely no fail!

Oatmeal Raisin Cookie
3/4 C organic Earth Balance
3/4 C cane sugar
2 egg replacers (I used the ground flax + water option)
1 C flour
2.5 C oats
1 C raisins
1/2 tsp baking soda
1 tsp vanilla
salt to taste
cinnamon to taste

1. Preheat oven at 350F.
2. Melt the butter over stovetop over low heat, turn off heat
3. Add in sugar and beat until creamy
4. Mix in 'egg' mixture and vanilla
5. Add flour, baking soda, cinnamon, salt
6. Stir in oats and raisins
7. Spread out on cookie sheets as small or humongous as you wish
8. Bake for 10-12 minutes for light, fluffier cookie or 12-15 for crispier ones

On the workout side, now that I've finished and had enough mental and physical recovery time since my last big workout plan (the Fitnessista's Summer Shape Up plan that I actually only started in the fall), I'm planning a super new 12 week workout/fitness/nutrition plan that I will begin and unveil tomorrow!


  1. Do you have a recipe for your raw version? :)

  2. I'll get some form of measurements, and get back to you on that asap :)


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