12 Week Plan: Day 2

Lovin' the snow days! Love 'em so much I get another one tomorrow! Great thing is that the gym is still open so I got to start up my super 12 week workout plan. I'm amazed by how easily I can get through workouts now, how motivated I am to go to the gym, and just how far I've come since I started working out regularly now about 5 or 6 years ago.

Workout of the Day (very slightly amended workout from Sam Omidi's website, I'm getting a lot of my ideas from him this time)
-5 minute warm-up on elliptical (moderate intensity)
-10 minutes of interval training on treadmill (1 minute sprints and rests)
-Ab Cycle:
Stability Ball Crunch x 15
Stability Ball Rollout x12
Straight Leg Raises x 12
Stability Ball Back Extensions x 10
30 second plank for each side (front, left, & right side)
-5 minutes of jump rope (requires a lot more coordination than you think to do it non-stop!)
-Second Ab Cycle Repeat-10 minutes of interval training on elliptical (same as earlier, but someone took my treadmill!)
-Third Ab Cycle Repeat
-5 minute stretch

Recipe of the Day:
Still experimenting with sprouted millet. I've ground it with crystallized ginger, agave nectar, lemon juice, a pinch of salt, and some almonds and mixed the 'flour' with raw tahini and pureed apricots and made cookies. I'm currently dehydrating them, so we'll see how they turn out!


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