Call National Security, it's... SNOW!

Coming from having lived in Canada for four years, I find it very silly to see the whole area go up in a mad panic the minute snow is being announced on the forecast. Today was one such day. Okay, there is suppose to be between 1-2 feet of snow fall tomorrow beginning in the afternoon, but this desperate fear that our lifestyles might temporarily be put on hold is outstanding. The panic around 'I might not be able to get my latte today', or 'what if I can't watch TV this weekend' just shows how unplugged we've become from nature, each other, and just knowing how to live without outside inputs.
I'm helping run a conference through my program this weekend (bad timing, I know!) and had to do a Costco run to pick up some items for coffee breaks and breakfast, and was amazed when I got to the place bright and early to find it already jam-packed with people on a week day. It only took me a few seconds before I realized... oh no, it's the usual DC-area armageddon-is-coming shopping spree. Well enough, the store was PACKED with people stocking up on 'essentials in case we are snowed in for the weekend', that being everything from bread and milk to dozens of packs of cigarette. (I did note that barely anyone had any fruits or veggies in their carts)
Conversation I overheard between man putting carton after carton of bottled water in his cart and random woman:
"Why are you stocking up so much on water?"
[in very panicked voice] "Well... you know... all that snow coming. And, that power might turn offt! And... [insert string of apocalyptic crises situations here]"
I don't know when power running out affected our ability to turn on the tap, but I might have missed something here.
Also, I find it really interesting to see how people act and react in different environments. For example, at many of the raw food restaurants I've been to, people are laid back, calm, happy, and love to talk to strangers. At Costco, people are always super stressed, antsy, easy to anger, and pushing each other around and responding to inputs like factory farmed cattle very much in the same way the meat they eat from there probably does. In short, eating healthy foods = a happy and calm attitude, eating unhealthy/highly processed foods = anger and stress. Just think about it...
Speaking of feeding a lot of people for an event/conference, as proof that organic fair trade food is NOT more expensive, I bought bananas for our informal breakfast at MOM's for 30 people for a total of $8... that's about $0.26 for a person to get their morning started with fruit. Really, it can be done.
On the upside, I guess one positive thing is to see how Costco is trying to carry somewhat healthier or more organic items. I was really thrilled to see they sell big bags of Wyman's Wild Blueberries, organic fair trade cane sugar, 2 packs of organic agave nectar, organic salad, carrots, Nature's Path cereal, and more. It's baby steps, but at least the growing consciousness is there. I know a lot of people don't like big box stores attempting to go organic, but I choose to see it as a good thing.
Not much to say, but can't wait for snow! The city is absolutely stunning under a fresh and crisp white sheet of winter :) And nothing beats a good storm like catching up on cuddling with the one you love, raw 'hot' cacao, cookies, and movie watching! Oh, and some definite winter wonderland frolicking!
5 minutes hill warmup on stairclimber
ab circuit w/ stability ball (3x12 4 different kinds of exercise)
3x20 lying side leg raise
3x12 bent-over row
3x20 bicep curl
5 minutes stretching
(Note: I use lighter weights when I do more reps to tone rather than to gain muscle mass)
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