Yummy in my tummy

Slowly but surely, I've been working my way through Alissa Cohen's 300+ recipes (from her book, Living on Live Food). This week's yumminess was her recipe for raw calzones topped with marinara sauce. While I still like her pizza best, and her burger second, these filled a craving for denser and warmer foods that's I've had recently. (Also, the picture in the book is just really appealing).

I've come to the point in my culinary life where I can now read a recipe book and realize whether or not I'm going to like the taste of the recipes of not. I don't believe in denigrating anyone's taste buds, and I realize that we all have difference preferences, so we have to find the recipes that resonate with ours. What one person might like is what another person might detest. Some people like sweet, some like sour, some like more 'exotic' tastes, while others like their food more basic and sensible, and that's all great! So when looking for the perfect recipe book or when taking recommendations from someone before heading to a restaurant, make sure that they have similar tastes to yours!

For example, when in NY recently, we talked a girl who suggested we get a couple things at Grezzo when we would be up in Boston. She also suggested a couple things we shouldn't get because they weren't so great (including one of the dishes I had been most excited to try). As super sweet a person she was for gabbing on about raw food with us like I love to do, I could tell right off that she and I did not have similar food preferences, so I took her advice with a grain of salt. In the end, I'm glad I did because the one thing she had been disappointed by ended up being my all time favourite dish; and the things she recommended, I'd just found kind of 'eh'.

Funny how some people have an intuitive feel for the attitudes and personalities for others, and I have developed the foodie sensibility of whether or not someone will share the same taste preferences as I... Alissa Cohen's tastes for example are extremely similar to mine. In contrast, the recipes in Safron's the Raw Truth' that I've been trying recently too also look super yummy, but they're just not for me. To each his own, and let everyone find out what 'their own' is in the great process of uncooking and tasting :) Happy eating!

Workout of the Day
10 minutes of cardio on treadmill
4 cycles of the following in **:
*Crunches on Stability Ball x 15
Stability Ball Roll Outs x15
30 second planks + 30 seconds for each side
1 minute jump rope*
3x12 torso rotation machine
2 cycles of the following in **:
*1 x 30 Lat Pulldown
1x30 French Curl
1 x 20 Bent Over Row
1 x 20 Hammer Curl*
5 minute stretch


  1. Starting to incorporate more exercise into my life so I was happy to come across your list of daily workouts- very inspiring! Happy to find other raw bloggers hooked on dancing (my drug is Salsa!).


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