Just like your ol' Sweet Potato Pie

(please read that title with a Southern twang to get the full effect of my giddiness) Today's tremendous success: my new (of course not measured) recipe for sweet potato pie! But not to worry, since Andrew has already scarfed down about 1/3 of it, I plan to make it again and this time... with measurements! Just look at it, isn't this just saying: eat me! eat me!

For those willing to try the recipe sans measurements: The crust was ground spelt (soaked and dehydrated as always), ground cashews, soaked apricots and dates (in terms of ratio it was about 3/4 apricots 1/4 dates), a little bit of maple syrup, dash of salt, vanilla. The 'filling' was sweet potatoes, maple syrup, vanilla, ground cinnamon, ground cloves, salt, and a little melted coconut butter (to solidify it). All of the filling went into my Vitamix to be blended and since the mixture came out pretty liquidy, it first took a turn in the dehydrator (not more than a couple hours), then I put it in the freezer for 30 minutes-1 hour (that might have been totally unecessary), then it went in the fridge before getting devoured. I doubt it had to go through all the processes but I figured I'd do whatever I could do make to it stick. And it worked!

(I'm also sprouting wheat berries for Alissa Cohen's Wheat Berry Salad recipe, and I just really love sprouting things... it really makes my day to see the little tails of my different sprouts come out, it's really cute. Oh, and did you know that wild rice also sprouts tails? I recently made Alissa's Wild Rice Salad--which was really pretty and yummy--and got to watch them grow. P.S. If you don't already know, wild rice isn't actually rice, they're grasses that grow in marshes.)

Workout of the Day
25 minutes of 1 minute sprints on treadmill
100 crunches
5 minute stretch


  1. I love sweet potato anything and yours looks delicious. Especially with the maple syrup, yum!


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