A Box Full o' Babies
Going to bed early tonight for much needed sleep (yay, that means midnight). We were out at my cousin's place again tonight for dinner (best salads EVER) and our weekly viewing of Lost. Wow.

However, I can't leave you with nothing to drool over. I finally got around to making Katie's Fudge Babies from over at CCV. It being me, I couldn't just leave all them plain, so I rolled some in coconut shreds, some in mesquite, and some in hemp seeds (you know I would have done spirulina if I had any left).
Because I had left over date paste, I also made my guesstimated version of Ani Phyo's Monkey Bars. I made them with dates, brazil nuts, a little sea salt, vanilla, and carob powder. The results were all fabulous, tasty and awfully pretty! Goodnight!
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