Perfecting the Taco

Because it's our anniversary and I should be doing other things, here's a quick post for the day: For those who want a little more spice in their life, I've reworked on last week's taco recipe and also revisiting Alissa Cohen's corn tortillas. While I didn't change any of the tortilla ingredients I tried to fold/curve them halfway into the dehydrating process so they'd actually be shaped like taco shells. It worked quite well! Because I was in the mood for something a bit more spicy. Here is my latest spicy taco meat recipe. I warm you in advance, it's not super crazy but it's also not for the weak of heart!

Spicy Taco Meat
1/2 C walnuts
1/2 C almonds
1/2 Chipotle Pepper en Adobo*
1 tsp Cumin
1 tsp BBQ Spices
2 tsp Bragg's
2 tsp Olive Oil
1 tsp agave nectar or maple syrup
dash of salt

*I also used the adobo sauce. The chipotle en adobo can be found at Whole Foods in a tin can (not raw, I know, but I'm using up our last batch because they are yummy)


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