Just Breathe...
Today, I took the first real breath that I have in months. I've got three papers down and one more to go, but one of the completed ones was my Master's Project (aka. the equivalent of my MA thesis). I'm quite pleased with it. I got to rant about GMOs, and because someone has to review and grade it, I have a captive readership whether they like it or not!
With my two years of being a grad student coming to a close, I was left with the strangest feeling. I haven't actually had what I would call a 'real' vacation in about 4 years now. I've been either working or interning every summer since second year of undergrad. With my PhD lined up in the Fall, and my Research Assistant-ship finishing up at the end of the month, I feel free in a way I haven't in so long. It's both frightening and exciting. What to do with so much time? Andrew's Reiki mentor was over and told me that this was the opportunity to just "Be." And while he's so right, it's scary to think how I haven't in fact really had time to just "be" in longer than I'm comfortable with. Though we'll obviously be busy moving all through June, that only takes so long. I also already have awesome plans but they're still hush hush, so I'll unveil them soon.
So, more about food: I attempted to make raw popsicles today after being inspired by my cousin Sarah's own vegetarian version I got to admire last night. And while that's what I wanted to blog about, I tried to pull one out of the popsicle tray for a nice photo, but the stick came out sans popsicle... so... ya. Maybe next time! My MA is clearly NOT in engineering.

Instead, I'll turn back to an old favourite. It's one of the recipes in Jae Steel's new book, Ripe from Around Here, coming out in just a few weeks! Last spring and summer I was blessed to be able to be one of her recipe testers. Her book conveniently has both vegan and raw recipes, and it came at a perfect time when I was transitioning to raw foods, letting me dabble in a little bit of all her recipes since I still had one foot on either side of the raw door.
One of my favourites was her Rainbow Dragon Bowl, which is what we had for dinner. In short, it's the best salad you've ever had. While it was suppose to be pretty layers of color, I couldn't help but mix it all up and dive right into it before I remember I hadn't photographed it yet. So... it's not as pretty as it was when I served it, but it was just as tasty!

She also came up with a couple amazing raw ice cream recipes (blueberry lavender anyone?) and the infamous raw granola that made my need for a dehydrator an absolute must.
As part of my "I finally have a life" plan, we'll be going off to Virginia tomorrow to a spring camping festival where I'll be doing absolutely NOTHING work or school related. There will obviously be a little blogging hiatus until monday then (at which point I'll blog about the awesome looking raw ice cream cake I made for Mother's Day that's currently sitting in our freezer).
Finally, Sarah over at Run Sarah is having her first giveaway! It's another awesome $60 gift certificate from CSN, because honestly, who doesn't need more kitchen stuff? Until then, have a beautiful weekend!
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