My 7 Links
Thank you, Laury for tagging me to write up my own 7 Links. As I've commented on a few other blogs, the whole 7 links thing has definitely been the best blog survey to date. I've learned so much about the girls whose blogs I read in one simple post. I feel that 7 simple entries really allows readers to get to know who you are. And now it's my turn, so here goes:
Surprisingly, my Review of Luna Pads has by far been my most popular post. In fact, every time I post about menstrual things, I tend to get lots of hits... I guess it is a topic that 51% of the population can relate to, but I'm always curious as to how people find their way to my blog to deal with it. It's an honour!
1. Most Beautiful Post

"Hope" was just a really cute little story about ducks crossing the street that I wanted to share with all of you about something I witnessed while going on with my day to day life. Yet I love it because it was one of those moments that gave me such love for our species (and knowing that I'm kind of an environmental hippie grump, that doesn't happen too often).
Though it was "just" a post about a dance workshop I attended, I really feel like I bared a very raw and honest part of myself in my "Why I'm Thankful" entry. It was a very defining memory to me that I'm glad I shared.
2. Most Popular Post

Unsurprisingly, my Chocolate Orange Creamsicles post is a close second. That one I can understand though... it's raw chocolaty goodness. Can't go wrong with that!
3. Most Controversial Post

Being a fairly controversial/opinionated person, I'm actually surprised by how few controversial posts I have. My top pick would probably be my honest rant about the Birth Control Pill, I was actually surprised that it was so well received, and that in fact, a lot of women shared my opinion and took the time to share their own stories and experiences. So thank you!
4. Most Helpful Post
A tough one. I like to think I write an information blog more so than a blog about my day to day rantings, so I'm kind of hoping that all my posts are helpful for one reason or another...

Anyway, anyone who really knows me, knows I'm a stretching fanatic. By now, with all the fitness instructor and doctor's recommendations about it, everyone should know that it's very beneficial to ones long-term health and wellness to take the time to stretch before and especially after a workout. I decided to post a quick Stretching 101 routine for anyone who wanted to commit the 5-10 minutes to actually end a workout correctly!
Also, because of their job and/or current situation, a lot of people give seemingly valid excuses reasons about how they don't have time to be fit. I tried to debunk that with my "Staying Fit with Any Lifestyle" post, and definitely hope people can take something away from it that they can adapt to their own life!
5. A Post Whose Success Surprised Me

That would definitely be "Transgenic Goats, Obese Pigs and Stolen Bikes, Oh My!" which was about Andrew and my trip to the Canadian Agricultural Museum when we just moved into town. What I initially thought would just be a silly filler post ended up being one of my most successful entries. I had a few people comment directly on the post, but also got lots of facebook and email feedback about GMOS, transgenetic mutation, cloning and what not... and I thought I was just taking a trip out to the farm!
6. A Post I Feel Didn't Get Enough Attention

I'm super proud of my Ginger Three Ways Cookies (and their name is always subject to interesting conversation) but never got much feedback on them. I think that they're kick a** and that more people should make them.
I also do tend to go on and on about the lessons my mom taught me about taking care of my skin, wearing sunscreen, etc. At 60, she has the softest and most resilient skin I've ever seen. So I listen. To give an idea of what I do, I posted a rough guide to daily skin care, that I wish more people would start listening to as early as they can! There is no shame in the vanity of nice skin!
7. A Post I'm Most Proud Of

I don't quite know why, but I was really proud of my first Review of Zen Kitchen. It's probably because I got a lot of really positive feedback from it, especially people who personally emailed me to tell me how well written it was, that I should be a food writer/critic/etc. Having always wanted to write, that was extremely flattering to me. And hey, I also had a really yummy meal I later got to share with the whole world. Double win if you ask me!
And I'l have to pick my "Why I'm Thankful" for this category too, because of all the reasons stated above.
I think that by now most people have filled these out, but if not, I'm tagging:
- Sabine @ thefruitpursuit
- April @ rawfoodpassion
- Deanna @ themommybowl
- Shannon @ rawdorable
- Ayla @ High on Healthy
LOVE your 7 links!!! I need to go back and read the cookie recipe and the luna pad post! I loved your BC was so well written and so important. I shared that one with my mom and sister a while back!!!