Dehydrator Giveaway

As promised, come one, come all, for my first giveaway! The winner will be selected one week from now, at 10am on Monday, June 21, 2010. At this point and for shipping reasons, only US and Canadian readers can put in their bids this time. For your pleasure, I'm offering what every raw foodists needs:


Sure a raw foodist can eat fresh fruits, veggies, nuts, and seeds, but a dehydrator is just so much fun! Owning one has completely satisfied the needs of my inner baker, and has made both Andrew's and my tummy very very happy since I got into raw foods.

After one absolutely flawless year of service, I'm giving away my 4 tray Nesco Dehydrator because I'm "upgrading" to a 9 tray Excalibur once we move up to Canada. My lovely dehydrator comes with 3 fruit roll sheets, and 2 Clean-a-Screen trays. The Nesco has served my every dehydrating need: raw cookies, raw burgers, tartlet crusts, calzones, pizzas, crackers, breads, kale chips, pancakes, macaroons, and more! If it weren't for the fact that demand for my raw foods is increasing, I would have just stuck with the one I have forever :)

Compare to other dehydrators, it's very space efficient, and isn't super noisy. I love my dehydrator, so I want to give it to a good home that I know one of you can supply!

"Do I need a dehydrator?" You might be asking yourself. I debated this question for a little while when I got into raw foods, but within just two months, I had to get my hands on one. Checking out other people's blogs and some raw recipe books, I wanted to be part of the uncooking extravaganzas I had only seen through photos.

Sooo, how can you enter? You have two options (so you can get a maximum of two entries)

For everyone (first entry): Leave a comment on my blog telling me what the first thing you'd want to make with a dehydrator of your very own.

For bloggers (second entry): Link this post back to your blog for an extra entry! Please leave a comment below letting me know you did :)

For non-bloggers (second entry): If you aren't already, become a follower of my blog and leave a comment below letting me know you did! On the left-hand toolbar, there is a box marked "Followers" become one them, it isn't much of a hassle :) If you already are a follower, thanks, and just leave a second comment telling me you are!

Again, winner will be selected on Monday morning on June 21! The winner will have to send me their contact info within 24 hours so I can ship this baby off because I move :)

Soon these goodies could be yours:

Happy entering and good luck!


  1. Averie (LoveVeggiesAndYoga)June 15, 2010 at 12:34 AM

    Wow this is so generous of you...I will enter b/c I know my sister would love one! Thanks for the email too :)

  2. I want to dehydrate my own slices of mango! The stuff in the store has that weird cakey stuff on top and i can get cheap mangoes in chinatown!

  3. I would start with the first thing from my garden that we have to much of! This year with a couple different plots going we will have more than we need so saving some of it to eat later would be great!

  4. Hello!
    I'm now following your blog...this is awesome!

  5. I will first dehydrate a sprout bread. I've been making rejuvelac, and am really excited about trying a wheat berry bread with ground flax, onions and sundried tomatoes. I'm so excited, and would LOVE to win this dehydrator!

    Thank you!

  6. After finishing my first ever juice feast recently, I decided to stay mostly on raw foods. The mostly stems from my lack of a dehydrator!

    The first thing I would make, and the one thing I have been craving, is a delicious raw pizza! Pizza was one of my biggest cravings on the feast, and I am pretty proud of my ability to stay away from the real deal, but I don't know how long I can last!

  7. Also, done and done. Thanks for checking out my blog, and offering your moral support! Now I can return the favor.

  8. Thanks so much for the whole post :) I was really expecting people to write just one line or two linking to the giveaway but you went all out! Shows what I know about how awesome people can be be... I really appreciate it!

  9. i would make either kale chips or raw crackers!

  10. The very first thing I'd make would be a vegetable wrap of some kind! Also, I will be subscribing to your blog in Google Reader!

  11. linked to this post !

  12. Hi sweetie. Sorry I haven't been by your blog lately, as I've been cutting back on my computer time (I've even stopped blogging, although I hope to still post twice a month for Natural Zing). Your food looks yummy. I never did upgrade to an Excalibur. The old school round one has worked well for me all these years. I actually own two of them.

  13. Please enter me for the dehydrator giveaway :) I am interested in the giveaway because I am officially "starting to get started" on my raw journey and am beginning to learn some wonderful raw dishes. However, I do not have a dehydrator and am having to order things like kale chips and 'bread/crackers' from my raw chef teacher, who is leaving very soon :( (a huge loss for me on so many levels). The first thing I would make would be kale chips and the second thing I would make would be some kind of cracker.

    Thank you so much for your blog :) and for everything! andra

  14. I linked this blog to my site:

    -n- god would I love a dehydrator. My blog is called "Newly Raw" because thats what I am, and I've been trying to rock out the raw recipes without purchasing a dehydrator but would so luv to win this and be able to get more creative in my kitch.
    I think the first thing I would try to make would have to be raw pizza, I'm a native New Yorker ...need I say more :)
    By the way, Thx for posting such an awesome giveaway and spreading the raw food love around. <3

  15. I'd make anything raw desserts! I'll def put a link on my blog!

  16. I would love to try to sprout grains and then dehydrate them to be ground into flour. I'd also love to make fruit leather for an occasional treat for the kiddos. Thanks for the generous giveaway!

  17. OMG. I NEED NEED THIS! Haha. I really really want to make CHIPS! Veggie chips that is.

  18. I linked back:

  19. I would love to make something somewhat fail-proof -- how about kale chips!!

  20. Probably the lamest thing ever, but I love all dried fruit as a snack, so I would dehydrate that to make my own homemade granola :)

  21. I have been wanting a dehydrator ever since I read Meredith's "Norito Madness" blog post on the raw that's the first thing I would make for sure! Canada Rocks...I'm in Victoria, BC!

  22. I already had you listed in my favorites on my computer but I am now an official Follower of Eat Dance Live, yay!

  23. Macaroons!!!

    And some dried fruit.

  24. I would love to make raw crackers and kale chips!

  25. Wow, I definitely want to make my own almond flour and dried fruits if I have my own dehydrator :D

  26. Linked back on my blog:


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