Why I'm in love and other goodies

First off, keep up the entries for my dehydrator giveaway!

Secondly, Andrew made this pretty drawing for me with the top of an heirloom tomato I used in our lunch today. I cut the top off of it to avoid eating the stem, and found that our tomato actually had a little face under its top. This is why I'm in love:

Adorable, right?

Thirdly, with that little tomato, I made an amazing super cauliflower couscous inspired by the one in Matt Amsden's Rawvolution:

Finally, for dinner, I also had my second chocolate cherry bomb ever :) I just had to try the infamous recipe that was all over the raw food blog world! I gotta say, I actually like it better without the chocolate part (I know...), so I made one without the cacao for me and one with for Andrew. They were both delicious! Thanks for an awesome recipe Kristen!

Great day, great food! Just what I need to fuel the last 48 hours of my life before our moving truck comes! Also, our kitty thinks he's a box car race car driver:



  1. Awww, you kitty is so cute in that box :) And yes, love is good! Have a great day, andra


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