Sunday Workout Recap
Week 2 of Gina's Summer Shape Up with minor schedule adjustments. Again, gotta say, my back is dying for it but I can't get motivated to do yoga. Why is it that even if we know that something is good for us we still don't do it? My goal is to push myself to actually do more of that for Week 3 which is what I'm assuming will be in store :)
Before I get into the workouts though, I do have to say that I may or may not have had one of the worst (or best?) detoxes ever recently. I was suppose to take those Gaia Herb tinctures that I mentioned 2 weeks ago for 14 days and that time has pretty much come to an end. Two nights ago, I woke up with this crazy stomach pain and won't go into the icky details but... wow. Ever since I've felt amazing though. I guess 1 week of chakra feast juicing and 1 week of green smoothies has really had an effect! Tomorrow, I'm starting the Green Smoothie Queen's 10 Day Green Smoothie Challenge, and I'm psyched!
Day 1 Speed Workout + Abs
10 minute stretch (I love my foam roller)
4 mile walk
25 minute swim
2 mile walk
20 minute Yoga Download Power Yoga 2
Day 3 Strength Workout + abs
2 mile walk
35 minute swim
2 mile walk
Day 5 Speed Workout (I did 45 minute sprinting and 1 minute recovery for the first half and then 1 minute sprinting-1 minute recovery instead)
Timing did not allow for workouts :( but I did walk lots and lots around hot yoga-esque heat and humidity, and did some therapeutic garden weeding again.
Also, check out the kale goodness our garden has been producing this year (and this is how much we harvest each week):

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