Fasting on a Raw Diet

First off, the big heads-up on my blog is for you to look out for my first essential raw food equipment giveaway coming up next Monday!!! It's going to be a good one :)
Day 1 of the Green Smoothie Queen's 10 day Challenge was a fast until dinner. The beautiful thing about being on a raw diet is that fasts really aren't a big deal anymore. Yes, I don't do them often, but when I choose to, I don't really get hungry and it's perfectly painless. I've seen people go through 1 day of fasting and act like it's the most torturous thing they ever have to do, they feel hungry, they get headaches, they can't be very physically active, etc. On a raw diet, I got up this morning, walked around the shops of Georgetown for a couple hours, went for a double weights workout to make up for this weekend, and walked 2 mile home. The result? I feel great! I'm not trying to drum myself up here, but the lifestyle choice I have made. It's really quite fantastic.
According to plan, I broke my fast around 4pm (didn't want to wait too long after my weights workouts) and had a lovely selection of watermelons and some unphotogenic honeydew. It was deliciously refreshing. If you do ever choose to break a fast later in the day, it's recommended that you go for more watery fruits like melons, and that you avoid citrus like grapefruit or oranges because they are a little too acidic for an empty stomach. Am I the only one who gets really full from eating watermelon? I get a water belly from eating it... It's funny. Can't wait for what tomorrow will bring!
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