What I Ate Wednesdays
So half way through my morning, I was hit with a "It's Wednesday already! #*%*#@!!!!" mostly because once again, I really wanted to participate in my first What I Ate Wednesday. Even though I'd already had two meals, I didn't let that put me down, and made the best of what I had... So finally, here I am!
WiaW is more than just about posting the random things you eat during your day. Started by Peas & Crayons, the goal is for the blogging community to ultimately share in the one thing we obviously all have in common despite dietary choices, lifestyles, blog topics, etc: FOOD! It's fun, it's an easy to connect with each other, inspire others, embrace our food, and have yet another excuse to look at some food porn...
After my morning cardio, I was RAVENOUS, and tried my best to slowly sip (and chew!) my breakfast and while I managed, I didn't get a photo. Instead, this was breakfast, except imagine that blended with added spinach and spirulina (the stuff in the cup is hemp protein):

Lunch was a giant salad beast, with broken pieces of a homemade sprouted adzuki bean burger.

Of course, by the time I left the house to study, the whole WiaW thing slipped my mind again and came back to me just as I was eating this (it's not nuclear nor is it levitating, I promise, iPhones take very over-exposed photos with flash):

Of course, I also forgot to take a pic of my mid-afternoon sprouted hummus with veggies, so here's a cheat pic of a version that I made a while back:
And lastly, another salad beast for dinner! This particular beast was a kale one, massaged in lemon and avocado, with dulse, a crumble of tempeh, and some of our foodgasmic tomatoes:

Yay food goodness! Join me tomorrow for what will hopefully be some successful vegan FroYo shenanigans!
Salad beasts for lunch are the best! I'd love to see your adzuki bean burger recipe. Adzukis are one of my favorite beans, but I never know what to do with them. Also, I think your apple photo is really cool, even if it wasn't intended to be that artsy looking hehe.
ReplyDeleteI keep meaning to make a kale salad - I've heard it's delicious when massaged with lemon but lemon and avocado sounds even better. Beautiful food:)